Breakfast with Santa


For six years now we have hosted “Breakfast with Santa” for our son’s basketball team. 


I try to make it look special from candles on the table to hanging stars from the chandelier.


I hot glued three candy canes together to make an easel to hold each of the boys names for place-cards.  We drink hot coca out of Santa mugs and I let these rowdy boys use the fine china for such a special occasion!


We eat pancakes, bacon and sausage ——and a few snowman doughnuts. Mini powder sugar doughnuts with a candy corn nose and candy eyes (from the cake decorating store).


Usually we make a craft but this year I couldn’t resist playing “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader” with these fifth grade boys.  Santa graciously agreed!


Santa takes a photo with each boy


Hands out a small gift to each boy


In the past Santa has read “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”  This year Santa was so fabulous he said the entire poem from memory.  He also reminded the boys how lucky they were, to be good, listen to their moms (thank you Santa) and remember those who don’t have as much. 


I’m thankful these boys still go along and just lose themselves in the magic of the morning!

20 Responses to “Breakfast with Santa”

  1. greetingarts Says:

    Oh, you are just so amazing. Everything looks special, festive, and so much fun. Those boys really are lucky to have you in their lives. And I have to ask… so, *was* Santa smarter than a 5th grader?!

  2. feli Says:

    I can not believe your TABLE!! Its amazing. I want breakfast with Santa too. He is so cool. And to memorise the whole poem from memory!! Wow.

    P/s: I love his Snowman Top. :*)

  3. MdG Says:

    That looks like the most awesome Santa ever!!
    I think it’s so great to host something like that in your home, it really gets the kids in the spirit. My daughter’s teacher and I were lamenting the restrictions put on schools these days. No Christmas party, no hand made ornaments in class, no handing out Christmas cards. Boo hoo.
    And it’s great to see a bunch of 5th grade boys enjoying it too!

  4. Blonde Mom Blog » Saturday Links (Save for a Snowy Day Edition) Says:

    […] to My Lou has photos from a wonderful Santa breakfast she hosts for her boys’ basketball team (check out the cute snowman powdered […]

  5. Alicia A. Says:

    you always have the BEST ideas…

  6. Heather Grow Says:

    What a special memory you are making for these boys. I love all your ideas.

  7. Laura W. Says:

    What a lovely post!!! LOVE the candy cane place card holders and the snowman doughnuts!!! Great ideas that I would love to ‘borrow’ and use for our Christmas brunch!

  8. sara Says:

    what a cool idea! I love all the simple little things (candles w/candies, name tags with candy canes, etc) and they make it look so great!

    perfect Santa too!!

  9. theramblinghousewife Says:

    So cool! I love it! The little doughnut, snowmen were adorable two. My little one would get a kick out of making those!

  10. emily Says:

    wow . . . everything is just perfect! the santa is fantastic!!!!!!! what a great idea . . . . looks like such a wonderful time!

  11. Heidi K. Says:

    How awesome! I love the donuts! I think I am going to have to pick up some eyes and make those for Christmas morning! Thanks for sharing those adorable ideas!

  12. debra cooper Says:

    What a wonderful tradition and blessing to the kids!

  13. todayscreativeblog Says:

    you are such a stinker with all that talent. I have featured you today on Today’s Creative Blog

  14. minnie b. Says:

    wow, wow, wow! what a fun morning for all. you really put a lot of work into this. your creativity is so inspiring. my little ones still too little to enjoy this kind of breakfast with santa but i’m going to have to immediately copy some of your decorating ideas and file away the rest for future years.

  15. Kamee Nuzman Says:

    WOW! I just stumbled on your site through today’s creative blog! I too am totally detail oriented that I can’t forget even the smallest thing! I appreciated every single picture and idea you have shared! I also love how you celebrate everything! Your kids are so lucky to have you! Your ideas are outstanding!! Thanks and Merry Christmas- Kamee

  16. Melanie Says:

    I have just spent the last hour looking through ALL of your AWESOME ideas….Thank the Lord for Blue’s Clues- as she has been baby sitting my young children so that was possible. Could you tell me how to get a pattern for the notepad and twist crayon holder you made. Thank You for sharing all of your amazing ideas- oh how I would love to sit and pick your brain!!!

  17. Edi Says:

    I just found your blog and saw your candy cane name place holders and whipped up a few for our house! Thank you for the clever idea!

  18. Jrizzo Says:

    I love the powdered donut idea! very cool! Jen R

  19. Amanda Says:

    I made those snowmen doughnuts with cake writing and the are just adorable. I’ll get a photo on my site soon. Thanks.

  20. suzie sews Says:

    Linked over form blog of the day…My you have some very impressive stuff going on here, I adore this breakfast with Santa and all your brillent ideas…I shall be back
    All the best for the New Year

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