What’s for lunch?

How about a ham, roast beef and Swiss pita with tomato and lettuce and a bag of chips?


This little lunch is for my niece’s birthday.  I could easily become addicted to making felt food. 

17 Responses to “What’s for lunch?”

  1. greetingarts Says:

    Oh, and why wouldn’t you be addicted? Those are so incredible, I love them! Lucky niece. How on earth did your little one let you wrap those up and give them away?!

  2. karla ~ looking towards heaven Says:

    So cute!!

    (did you get my email reply?)

  3. seemownay Says:

    This is such a great idea. And it all looks so bright and yummie! I bet you make someone happy there!

  4. Liz Says:

    Looks good enough to eat. I bet she loved them!

  5. miss chris Says:

    These are darling! Ever since I made that cake for Fidget I have been dreaming about making more. It’s sooo fun and easy!!! Love the pita pocket. xo

  6. Katie Says:

    I am glad that you are experimenting with felt food. Isn’t it the best? They make great gifts and the parents seem to love them as much as the kids. I really LOVE the pita pocket, and the swiss cheese:). SO fun! I might have to borrow this idea.

  7. laeroport Says:

    Okay, there’s pattern #1 right there, my friend!

  8. Aimee Says:

    awww, how cool. love you blog.

  9. Kimmy Says:

    how how how did you make it. My son LOVES pretend food and I hate buying the plastic junk (100 plastic hotdogs anyone?)

  10. Kate. Says:

    so cute! i love these… perfect for my nephew. 🙂

  11. mykidsmom Says:

    This is such a cute idea!

  12. Ellen Says:

    What a neat idea! They look so fun. I’m sure your niece will like it.

  13. ali Says:

    Now that is seriously cute! My girls would play with that… and I agree with a previous commentor- down with plastic playfood!

  14. Angie @ Many Little Blessings Says:

    Oh my!!!! I *love* these!

  15. Tonya Says:

    So adorable! I wish I sewed!

  16. What’s Going On? (and some links, too) « Working Title Says:

    […] fun is this felt food for little kiddos to pretend with? Homemade by Jill also has tons of ideas for more felt […]

  17. Katelin Toelle Says:


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